ENCODED ARCIVAL CONTEXT - Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF)

Obavještavamo vas o webinaru Društva američkih arhivista (The Society of American Archivists' - SAA) na kojem se predstavlja nova inačica EAC-CPF standarda o kontekstualnim podatcima za pravne i fizičke osobe te obitelji. Pogledajte više u sljedećem tekstu i poveznicama:

"The schema and tag library are available on the EAC-CPF website: 


Details of the revision process that led to the new version are also available on the EAC-CPF website:


Join us on this upcoming webinar for an overview of the new version and a chance to ask questions about the changes and register your feedback. We will be hosting the webinar twice (presenting the same content at each webinar) to accommodate an international audience.

  • Monday 14 November (Session 1 aiming to cover Oceania and the Americas)
    10pm GMT: 5pm ET, 9am Melbourne Time (the next day)
  • Tuesday 15 November (Session 2 aiming to cover Europe, Africa, and Asia)
    9am GMT: 10am CET, 6pm Tokyo

Note: Default is Central Time (local to Chicago / Society of American Archivists offices); you can select your preferred time zone to determine which session fits your schedule.


We welcome any questions you have for us, in advance of the webinar; please feel free to share them with us via this form:https://forms.gle/VNwM4JHzS21YdYbCA.

The webinar will also be recorded and posted to SAA's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvR6tYJ81GNnEAg_0SbRJ_w . "

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