Publication of 2nd edition of ISO 16175 - Processes and functional requirements for software for managing records (formerly ICA-Req)

The International Standards Organization has recently published a second edition of ISO 16175, Processes and functional requirements for software for managing records. This new edition is in two parts:

  • Part 1 - Functional requirements and associated guidance for any applications that manage digital records
  • Part 2 (a technical specification) - Guidance for selecting, designing, implementing and maintaining software for managing records.

These two parts cancel and supersede the three parts of ISO 16175 that were published by ISO in 2010-2011, and which themselves were fast-tracked versions of International Council on Archives publications issued in 2008 under the title Principles and Functional Requirements for Records in Electronic Office Environments (or ICA-Req, for short).

The two new parts of ISO 16175 have not only been significantly updated and consolidated, they have also been greatly restructured. Previously, ISO 16175 parts 2 and 3 provided two separate sets of model functional requirements for software that manages digital records, with Part 2 focusing on dedicated records management applications and Part 3 focusing on records in business systems more generally. The ICA decided to combine these two separate sets of requirements into a single, simplified and updated set of functional requirements for any software applications that are required to capture and manage digital records. This new, consolidated set of functional requirements are presented in the new ISO 16175, part 1 - along with some associated explanatory guidance. A primary audience for part 1 is IT professionals who are responsible for acquiring or developing office software and who need expert and authoritative guidance on functional requirements for managing records. It is hoped that this new edition of part 1 will exert a positive influence on the global market for office software, in addition to assisting jurisdictional policy makers and standards setters and individual organisations wishing to improve the state of their digital recordkeeping. 

The focus of the new Part 2 is on processes for selecting, designing and implementing any software that is to be used for managing records, regardless of whether those records are digital or analogue. The new part 2 includes some updated content drawn from the original ISO 16175 suite, together with some updated content from the now withdrawn ISO 15489, Part 2 technical report (2001), which provided implementation guidance for the first edition of the international records management standard. 

The two parts of the new Standard can be obtained from:


Adrian Cunningham
Project Lead for ISO TC46/SC11/WG16

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