The Archives nationales de France (ANF) and a small French private company (Sparna) have developed a free software, RiC-O Converter, for converting into RDF datasets conforming to Records in Contexts-Ontology v0.1 the whole of the ANF EAD 2002 findings aids and EAC-CPF authority records. This tool is easy to install and use, fast and efficient.
I am glad to inform you that we've just released RiC-O Converter v1.0.0., its source code and documentation, under a Cecill-B license (which is equivalent to the MIT license), on GitHub: see https://github.com/ArchivesNationalesFR/rico-converter.
The v 1.0.0 release can be downloaded from here: https://github.com/ArchivesNationalesFR/rico-converter/releases.
You can also access some slides (in French) on RiC-O Converter (presented on January 28, 2020), here: https://f.hypotheses.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/2167/files/2020/02/20200128_4_RiCOConverter.pdf.
Let me add that the latest issue of ICA Flash (dated April 2020, Flash n° 39) includes an article on RiC-O Converter (see https://www.ica.org/en/flash).
As explained in the documentation, RiC-O Converter was developed with and for the ANF and does not aim to be a generic tool, at least for now. It therefore has some limits. However, it may be a good starting point for any project that would need to get good quality RDF/RiC-O datasets from existing EAD or EAC-CPF files.
We have documented it very precisely in English (in particular, see the EAD to RiC-O and EAC-CPF to RiC-O mappings, and the unit tests) to facilitate these adaptations. A good XSLT developer, knowing the formats of the source metadata, and having taken a little time to understand the essentials of RiC-O, can easily adapt RiC-O Converter. Finally, the ANF will continue to develop it, and we hope that a larger community will be formed to continue the developments.
Thus I do think it can help the archival community to use RiC and build large RDF/RiC-O datasets.
Best regards,
Florence Clavaud
General curator, Archives nationales de France
Executive member of ICA EGAD, lead of RiC-O development team